Welcome to my Cougar Commissions review. First off I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well in these troubled times.
Today we’re going to be looking at Dawud Islams’ latest product release to see if this is a product worth your time and money.
I’ve only had the opportunity to review this guy once before and that was quite a good product so I’d like to think that he will carry that on with this one.
I’m a little late with this review so I thought I’d take a quick look at the reviews that are on the first page of Google. I have to say that looking at the one that is in position 1 that it looks like all he has done is repeat the what the sales page says.
I cannot for the life of me see how that helps anyone make a decision as to whether this is a good or bad product. I believe you need to actually look at the product itself and give an unbiased review, warts and all.
If you are new to this blog you’ll quickly realise that my reviews are a little different to all the other ones, I like to tell it how it is and yes sometimes the vendors get upset.
But I think it’s more important you get an honest view of a product not just words on a screen designed to just get a commission from a sale.
So, without further ado, let’s crack on.
NAME: Cougar Commissions
OWNER: Dawud Islam
PRICE: $11.95
WEBSITE: https://cougarcommissions.com/front-end
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The Sales Page
Unlike those other reviews my look at the sales page won’t just be repeating it, I like to go through the sales page to see how it compares to the actual product which I’ll be going over in the next section.
The first thing that stands out for me in that headline is the fact that it doesn’t actually make some ridiculous claim. It’s taken him a period of 2 years to get to $15k a month which if you put in the effort is totally achievable.
If this is anything to go by then I’m actually looking forward to see what he has in store. For someone to say in their sales copy that there are no promises of instant results is very rare in this business.
And if he is showing you everything then there should be quite a lot of content, I just hope it’s not just theory, I really hope it is what he actually does.
As you go down the sales page you he tells you stuff that I have been saying for as long as I can remember, that if you are not prepared to work hard then you will not succeed.
It really is as simple as that, you really do have to put the work in and if anyone tells you different then you should not believe them.
And if there’s only one thing that you take away from this review that advice should be it.
The rest of the sales page is pretty tame compared to its counterparts and that’s a good thing, there is no inflating your expectations.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Is Cougar Commissions About?
This is all about launch Jacking doing review videos. Not exactly what I was hoping for but to be fair ranking a video on Youtube is a lot easier than ranking a blog post on Google especially if you are new.
Don’t get me wrong there is still a lot of competition on Youtube and you will struggle to compete with reviews for the big launches, but if you target the smaller ones you should have some success.
He recommends you make at least 2 launch jacking videos a day and says that 3 is better. Now that is going to take some time to master, it isn’t as easy as people might think.
I’ll be going over the training videos in another section, but for now that is what Cougar Commissions is about.[su_divider top=”no”]
What Did I Like?
- Truthful sales page
- Money back guarantee
- Simple concept
- In depth training videos
What Didn’t I Like?
- Being on video isn’t for everyone
- When telling you how to do a review video he just says to copy what the vendor says the product does without really digging into it yourself.
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Who’s Going To Use This?
I think that this is the sort of product that is best suited to anyone that is new to affiliate marketing. It does a good enough job of giving you all you need to know in order to begin.
You may well need additional training as you progress, but as a starting point this is perfectly adequate. People who have experience aren’t going to find anything that they don’t already know inside here.[su_divider top=”no”]
Inside The Members Area
If you are new to this blog then I just want to give you a warning about the upsells. You’re going to be seeing these straight after you buy this but before you get access to the product itself.
I have so many people contact me to tell me how much trouble they have getting a refund on the upsells, sometimes not getting one at all.
Take a look at Matthews comments here to see what I mean.
OK, back to the members area:
It’s a very easy to navigate members area with everything you need on the menu to the left.
I’m just going to concentrate on the training which consists of 17 videos which run to over 3.5 hours:
- Introduction – 0.55
- Getting Started – 26.11
- What is Affiliate Marketing – 8.30
- The Big Three Networks – 11.40
- Muncheye – 5.01
- Launch Jacking – 11.34
- Choosing offers – 13.29
- Getting Approved For Offers – 25.43
- Recording Your Screen – 5.28
- Getting Ready To Record – 16.30
- Bonus Pages – 15.20
- Recording Your Video – 24.36
- Creating A thumbnail – 6.15
- Ranking Your Video – 14.14
- Promoting Your Offer – 6.57
- My Daily Routine – 23.32
- It’s a Wrap – 1.20
That’s the main training covered, but there is an advanced training section that covers 2 additional steps that Dawud emphasizes are not necessary for this to work, but to implement once you’ve got yourself in a position to do so.
There’s a lot of info in here and enough to keep you busy for quite some time, but as Dawud himself says the majority of people who do buy this will not do anything with it which is a real shame.[su_divider top=”no”]
The OTO’s
Let’s quickly go over what the upsells are and how much they cost.
- OTO #1 – Bargain Bundle – $37
- OTO #2 – 6 Super Solos – $67
- OTO #3 – Quadruple Reseller Rights – $97
- OTO #4 – DFY Campaigns – $197
One thing to note is there are no downsells with these upsells. As you should already know getting refunds on upsells can sometimes be extremely difficult.
Not only that but with the amount of training you have in the front end you really need to concentrate on that and not be distracted by other stuff.[su_divider top=”no”]
Final Thoughts
The last few products I’ve reviewed have been less than what their sales pages would have you believe, but I’m happy to say this one has bucked that trend.
From the sales page all the way through to the actual training Dawud has done a great job of keeping peoples expectations on a level that most vendors would never reveal.
This product is one of those that will need some time put into it, you’ll more than likely want to go over each section a number of times and there is nothing wrong with that.
The only downside I could really find with this is about how to do the reviews, but that is my personal preference to not take the sales page of the product I’m reviewing at face value.
I always like to dissect the training just to make sure that when I’m either saying it’s a good product or a bad product that the decision is based on fact and not just what the vendor says you’ll learn.
For someone looking to get started in affiliate marketing using video then you won’t go far wrong with this.
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What Next?
Not everybody is comfortable being in front of a camera, some just haven’t got the equipment or the technical knowledge to put it all together.
That’s why having your own affiliate website is so important. You can do your reviews from the safety of your keyboard without the need for video.
Be aware though ranking a website does take time and effort (haven’t we heard that somewhere before) but boy is the effort worth it.
You’re not just going to throw up a couple of reviews and think that’s all you have to do. I know people who turn out 2 – 3 reviews a day!
Now obviously you don’t need to be that dedicated but the one thing you must do is be consistent.
I like to think of it like this, if you looking to get in shape and went to the gym every once in a while, maybe twice a month and another person went 3 times a week religiously.
Who do you think would see results?
It’s the same with this business, you need to be consistent for it to work, it’s no good doing it once in a while.
What you need to do is learn how to rank websites the right way and the best way i know is learning from the same place I did.
At the moment Wealthy Affiliate is offering free starter memberships, they’re also throwing in a free website and 10 free lessons.
Simply click the banner below, no credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you :)[su_divider top=”no”]