The Double Game Review

Welcome to The Double Game review. Today we’re going to be looking at the latest release from Will Weatherly who is someone who’ve I’ve only come across once before on this blog and I really liked that product.

Hopefully he can follow on from that and deliver another quality product. Even though this has been a few days I couldn’t find too many people promoting this.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing because you’ll find a lot of so called reviews are fake anyway, they just repeat what the sales page says without knowing if the product is any good or not.

They do that for the simple reason to get you to buy through their link so they get a commission. You won’t get that here, I’m not affiliated with this product.

That means you’ll get a totally unbiased review that is based on fact that has been researched thoroughly by going through the actual product.

NAME: The Double Gamethe double game review

OWNER: Will Weatherly

PRICE: $7.95


my recommendation for making money online

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The Double Game Review – What’s It About?

Let’s cut right to the chase and find out what this is all about. Besides satisfying our curiosity it will give us something to compare the claims on the sales page to.

So, this is all about creating product reviews by creating content on a WP blog, you then upload that content to Medium. For those of you who are not familiar with Medium it’s a web 2.0 property with a lot of domain authority which this method uses to its advantage.

You either drive traffic back to you blog or make some sales or both. Now, at this point some of you might be thinking that there will be a duplicate content issue what with two lots of the same content being published.

The thing with using Medium is you upload your content with a canonical link that tells Google and the other search engines that your blog content is the original and thus no penalty.

The product reviews that you’re going to be focusing on are ones in the make money online niche and you’re going to be launch jacking which basically means you’ll be reviewing products that are just about to be released.

This includes 2 case studies as well as the main training which consists of 6 videos. It also has a set up video for your WordPress Website.

And is basically what The Double Game is all about.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Sales page

When it comes to sales pages they can go either way, they’ll either be so full of hype that they bear little to no relevance to the product or they can be fairly truthful with no grand claims of how much money you can make.

the double game sales page headline

At first glance that headline would seem a bit hyped up, but seeing as we know this method is about using Medium then that is totally possible.

I’m seeing a lot of Medium posts in the search results lately and they are usually very near the top.

I’ve just gone through the sales video and i have to say it’s one of the shortest I’ve seen, usually they are so long you get bored and switch off.

This one though is short and to the point, have a look for yourself:

This has got to be one of the most honest sales page I’ve come across in quite a while, like this little statement here:

sales page statement

The actual sales page isn’t as big as most and the rest of it is pretty good in terms of setting expectations.[su_divider top=”no”]

Who Is This For?

This could be used by someone who is totally new to affiliate marketing or even by someone who runs their own product review site and is looking for some extra exposure.[su_divider top=”no”]

Any Good Bits

  • Method requires no extra expense
  • Explained very well
  • 30 day money back guarantee

Any Bad Bits

  • Blog training could be better
  • ????

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Inside The Members Area

When you buy this you’ll be shown upsells and I need to give you a warning about these. Some vendors will give you a 30 day money back guarantee on the front end, but then leave any guarantee of the upsells completely.

What happens is you assume that they have a guarantee, but them, find out they are not for you and try and get a refund only to find out they don’t have one.

This happened to Matthew and he lost $600! You can read his comment here. My advice is to skip the upsells at this point and if you still want them after you’ve bought the product you can get them inside the members area.

Talking of members area let’s see what that looks like:

the double game members area

It’s really easy to follow with all the different modules on the left and the corresponding videos being shown on the right. As i’ve already said the main training contains 6 videos which show you different options that you can implement.[su_divider top=”no”]

The Oto’s

Let’s quickly go over what the upsells are, how much they cost and if there are any discounts available for you to advantage of.

  • OTO #1 – Pro version – $27
  • OTO #2 – DFY content – $37
  • OTO #3 – License rights – $47
  • OTO #4 – VIP mastermind – $19

Unfortunately these don’t have any discounts with them, but one thing you do need to know is these DO NOT have any money back guarantees.

So, if you’re going to buy these just make sure you really want them because the sale is final and no refunds will be given.[su_divider top=”no”]

Final Thoughts

This is the second product I’ve seen from Will Weatherly and he is 2 for 2 because I really like this one. It’s a simple concept and one that seems to work.

The implementation of it is not difficult and the only other expense is if you decide to buy a website (I can hook you up with a free one).

Is this one of those short lived hacks? I don’t think so. I’ve been seeing Medium rank for product reviews for quite a while and if you are new you’re going to get yourself to the top of the search engines which is what we all want.

The whole package from the sales page to the product itself is very well presented, there is no hype that normally accompanies products like these.

I’m a bit disappointed that he decided to leave off any guarantee on the upsells, but at least he didn’t advertise it on the sales pages like some do.

the double game approved

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What Now?

If you want to take me up on my offer of a free website all you need to do is click the banner below and you’ll be able to take advantage of not only a website, but 10 lessons on how to best set it up all for free.

No credit card needed, just a name and email address and you’re good to go.

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I’ll meet you on the inside and be there to help you every step of the way. You’ll even get to meet the owners who will stop by to welcome you.

Whatever you decide I wish you the best in your online endeavors and remember I’m here to help you anyway I can :)[su_divider top=”no”]

About Sharon

Hey everyone, my name's Sharon and I'm the owner of this website. I hope you liked my post. I'm here to help YOU achieve your online ambitions just like I have :) The products I review are sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I will always give an honest opinion of them. You can access my 5 FREE LESSONS along with 1 FREE WEBSITE as well as KEYWORD RESEARCH here:

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