How to get started


Ok, before we get started in earnest let’s take a quick look at the basic principles/steps of affiliate marketing.

affiliate marketing

Now by no means is this the detailed process but it should give you a fairly good idea of what’s involved.


So #1 states Choose an Interest’. What does this mean?

Interests can potentially be anything at all,Interests

The list goes on and on…….What’s your Interest?[divider]

#2 says Build a Website. How do I do that?

You have 2 options here, you can either buy a domain or you can take advantage of my offer to supply you with 2 free websites! Go ahead and give it a go, type in a name and see if your dream website is available.

Not only will you get the 2 websites, you will also get access to a huge online internet marketing community which is second to none as well as training on how to build and profit from your website.



#3 Get Rankings & Visitors a simple case study

So, let’s take an interest from the examples above, say piano lessons. The first thing to do is to check any domain name availability using the website builder above. Once you have the domain name you can start checking the search volume and competition of a particular keyword.

search results here we have the amount of searches and traffic available to you if you were to be on the first pages of the main search engines for the keyword ‘piano lessons for beginners’


What we are looking for here is anything under 300 QSR (quoted search results) the lower the better but for this study this is fine. By the way the domain name ‘’ is available at the time of writing.

What we need to do now is to start writing quality content for your new site either by yourself or by paying a freelance writer to do it for you (there’s plenty of options out there starting from very cheap to fairly expensive). The more relevant the content is, the higher your search engine ranking will be, in turn the higher your ranking the more visitors will visit your site leading to even higher rankings and even more visitors![divider]

#4 ‘Earn Income’ 🙂 🙂 🙂

Now you have visitors to your website you can start to think about how to ‘monetize’ your site. Below are just 2 ways in which you can earn money.

Affiliate marketing is probably the No1 way to make money from your site. You join an affiliate program relating to your interest, let’s use the piano lessons example, you would look to join one or more of these affiliate programs


When you sign up for their program you are supplied with an ‘affiliate link’ which you place on your website. They offer you commission from 20% to 75% per sale on all customers you send them via your affiliate link who complete a sale.

Google Adsense is another way you could earn some income from your site. What happens here is you sign up for Googles’ adsense program and they will give your a piece of code to place on your website and Google will start displaying relevant ads (pianos, music, etc) and you get paid each time someone clicks on that.


I hope this has been of some help to you and that it has given you a clearer idea of how affiliate marketing works as a means of providing you with either a full-time income or just a bit of extra money for more holidays.  🙂

If you want to know more and get all the help you need then check out my #1 RECOMMENDATION HERE 

