Welcome to this Myriad Profits review, in it we are going to be taking a peek behind the curtain to find out what this is really all about. I’ve just had a look at all the other reviews out there about this and they all say virtually the same thing, that it’s great, fantastic, you need to buy it etc etc, but I’m here to find out if Myriad Profits is just a scam and I won’t be shy in telling you if I think that it is.
I’ve had the opportunity to review products by 2 of these guys before and that didn’t go too well so I’m hoping that all those positive reviews will mean this one is going to be different.
NAME: Myriad Profits
OWNERS: Edwin Mik, Samuel Cheema
& Niel Moran
PRICE: $11.19
WEBSITE: http://myriadprofits.com/special/
the sales page
Whenever I write a review I like to take a look at the sales page, after all this is what is going to convince you to buy it right, but unfortunately people don’t always see what’s right in front of them and tend just to see the claims of how easy it is to make money.
Which is where i come in, I will go through the sales page to see if the claims that are being made actually make it into the product.
You’d be surprised by the number of products that don’t resemble the sales page whatsoever and just leave the buyer frustrated and generally wanting their money back which can be an absolute nightmare as my readers have told me on occasion.
So let’s first take a look at the headline
Well what can you say about a statement like that.
It’s actually going to force me to make money in the next 24 hours! This I’ve got to see.
You don’t even need any technical skills or experience.
I’ll see if any of them statements are true as I go through the training.
So after going through the sales video and the sales page I’m none the wiser as to what this actually is. Take a look at the video yourself and tell me if you know.
what is myriad profits about
Seeing as the sales page is a bust I reckon it’s time to tell you what this amazing product that is going to FORCE you to make money actually is.
Bing ads ….. I wish you could see the tumbleweed rolling past LOL. Anyway this is about promoting products using Bing Ads and in order to follow his footsteps you need to buy another product so you can promote it. This is going to cost you an extra $37 after a 3-day trial which costs you $1 and then $37 each month after that if you want to promote it.
He does give you another option of promoting products off of JVZoo, unfortunately he doesn’t tell you that getting approved for these products is getting increasingly hard to do for a newbie simply because the vendors want to protect their EPC.
He also gives you the option of promoting CPA offers, but again really doesn’t tell you how to do that, remember you are a newbie that doesn’t need any experience.
After not knowing how to really get the offers you then have to get a domain name and hosting which he glosses over very quickly and in very little detail.
Next up is he shows you how to install your essential pages, but unfortunately he doesn’t. He actually shows what to do if you have Instabuilder, well that plugin is going to cost you a further $77 and he doesn’t even show you how to install a plugin because if you’ve never seen the back office of a WordPress dashboard then you’re going to struggle.
So now you don’t know how to put your essential pages on your website he moves on to setting up a campaign.
I hope you’re all following along nicely 🙂
I’ve got to tell you at this point that I’d be totally lost if it wasn’t for the fact that i know what I’m doing.
Without going into the campaign set up in too much detail I will tell you that the Ads that he sets up has a daily budget of $25, so just be prepared to spend some more money.[su_divider top=”no”]
what did I like
- ???? not a lot I’m afraid
what didn’t I like
- skipping over newbie essential stuff
- very thin training
- bing ads training was overly complicated
- sales page very misleading and over hyped
- never going to start earning in 24 days let alone 24 hours
- too much extra expense not mentioned on the sales page
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what’s inside the training
If you feel like you still need to buy this just let me go over what it is you’re going to be getting for your money.
- Welcome To Myriad Profits – 1.30
- Start Here – 5.35
- The Offer – 2.26
- Other Offers to Promote – 6.30
- Hosting & Domains Part 1 – 5.00
- Hosting & Domains Part 2 – 2.14
- How To Install WordPress – 1.12
- Essential Pages – 2.16
- Campaign Setup – 9.46
- Negative Keywords – 3.35
- Optimization – 8.12
- UET Tag and Redirect Setup – 4.58
- Promoting Warriorplus/JVZoo Offers – 7.12
- Creating High Converting Squeeze Pages – 12.07
- Facebook Post Case Study & Day 1 Results – 6.17
- Stunning Promo Video Creation – 6.33
- Pre-sell or Not Pre-Sell? – 1.31
- Case Study – Results After 7 Days! – 9.26
Having been through all the modules I can honestly say this isn’t for a newbie. I’m not sure if it’s his teaching, but even I struggled to understand some of the stuff he was going on about.[su_divider top=”no”]
are there any upsells?
Of course there are, 4 of them in fact, all designed to make you money even faster and easier. Yeah righto!
- OTO #1 $27 with a downsell to $17
This is the done for you pack that contains campaigns that he has used and tested.
- OTO #2 $37 with a downsell to $27
This is thee “Faster results” upgrade if that’s even possible 🙂
- OTO #3 $197 with no downsell
This is what they call limitless traffic for 365 days, I’ve got no idea so don’t ask
- OTO #4 $97 with a downsell to $47
This is the reseller license that enables you to sell Myriad Profits and keep 100% profits.
So If you want to buy the upsells at least you now know you can save yourself a bit of money by just clicking “no thanks” at the bottom of each page.[su_divider top=”no”]
final thoughts
I was extremely sceptical when I saw the sales page make that claim of forcing me to make money, now I have no doubt that there is money to be made with Bing ads, just not with this product.
It’s not a scam, it’s just not very good.
As far as being newbie friendly goes there is nothing further from the truth, how can he expect someone with absolutely no experience set stuff up that’s meant to be in the training.
He just leaves you dangling.
I’m not into bing Ads and to be fair if I was to learn it wouldn’t be with this that’s for sure.
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what now
If you are a newbie and want to be shown each and every step of how to set up your website and how to monetize it then there’s only 1 place for you to look at.
It’s the same place that took me from someone that knew very little to someone who can hold their own in the online world of making money.
Click the banner below for FREE access to the #1 affiliate training platform on the internet today. I’ll be there to help you 🙂

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